Cannabis topicals are nothing new. This form of cannabis has helped many people deal with their ailments and pains in a way that doesn’t require that they smoke or eat it. Two forms of consumption that hold their own problems for some. While buying cannabis infused cream is always an option, a cheaper solution is often to make them yourself at home. Plus, this way you can completely customize it and really make it your own. Particularly if you’re growing your own cannabis seeds, because this allows you to choose a strain that will be particularly effective with whatever you’re trying to treat.

And that’s largely what cannabis infused creams are used for - treating certain conditions. These lotions are often used for treating pain, particularly from arthritis, as well as back pain and different skin conditions. Not to mention that a good cannabis topical can also just be really good for the skin, making it softer and more supple.

A cannabis infused cream works at the site where they are applied. While they do contain cannabinoids, they don’t penetrate far enough through the skin to get into the bloodstream. This makes them very effective for those trying to treat different conditions, it also means that cannabis topicals do not bring any of the psychoactive effects that smoking or eating can.

So, how can you make your own cannabis infused cream at home? Very easily.

How to Make Cannabis Infused Cream

To make a cannabis topical, you will need:

  • 2 ounces of coconut oil or shea butter
  • 1 1/2 cups of ground marijuana, either trim and stems, flowers, or a mixture of both
  • 2 ounces of beeswax
  • 1 tablespoon of Vitamin E oil

Step 1:

Cannabis cream with cannabis leaf top of it

Start by placing the coconut oil or shea butter into a slow cooker. Cover with a lid and set on low setting (never high) until it melts. Add the marijuana, stir, and then replace the lid and keep the setting on low. Cover again and continue cooking on low for 12 - 24 hours until the entire mixture has turned a brownish-green color.

This is the most important step in the entire process. In order for the cannabinoids to become active, and therefore effective, they need to have time to bind to the fat in the slow cooker. The longer you keep the marijuana in there, the more potent your cannabis topical will be.

Step 2:

When the mixture in the slow cooker is ready, carefully strain it through a fine mesh sieve or through cheesecloth. The easiest way to do it is to line a large bowl with the cheesecloth. Using oven mitts or a towel to protect the hands, pour the entire mixture from the slow cooker into the bowl. Then just gather the sides of the cheesecloth as tightly as you can around the mixture and remove it. The solids in the cheesecloth can then be discarded.

Step 3 (Optional):

While this mixture may work fine on its own, you can make it even better by adding a bit of beeswax into it. To do it, melt the beeswax in a large pot on the stove. When it has fully melted, add the mixture that you strained out of the slow cooker. Here you’re just trying to incorporate the beeswax into the coconut oil or beeswax.

Cannabis cream with leaves around it

Once you’ve done that, you then need to let the mixture completely cool so you can test it. To do it, spoon a small amount into a cup and let it completely cool. Then test it on a small patch of skin for consistency. If it’s too thin, add more beeswax and reheat to melt it. Continue doing until desired consistency is reached.

Step  4 (Optional):

Again, you can stop the process right there and have a beautiful salve that you can apply to your skin. But you can also customize it even further, too. Add essential oils such as lavender or Vitamin E oil to promote healthy skin even more so.

Step 5:

When done, spoon the entire mixture into a container, allow it to cool completely, and then use whenever you want!

Cannabis infused cream have so many benefits. But the biggest one may just be that you can get the relief you need while customizing it exactly to your own needs and preferences. So what are you waiting for? Start turning those cannabis seeds into buds, and those buds into your own cannabis topical!

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