Science & Facts

RECENT Science & Facts
  1. What terpenes are in weed and what do they do?
    What terpenes are in weed and what do they do?
    While the knowledge base of your everyday stoner is light years ahead of what it was, say, a decade or so ago, the industry (and the research into cannabis) is moving at such an...
  2. COVID and The Home-Growing Cannabis Market
    COVID and The Home-Growing Cannabis Market
    While there’s been a fairly well established community of cannabis growers for some years now, COVID threw a spanner in the works for a lot of people in a lot of different ways....
  3. What is considered high THC?
    What is considered high THC?
    With the growing demand for increasingly potent cannabis strains, breeders around the world are all competing to produce the highest THC strains. The result of this race to the ...
  4. What's the difference between THC and THCa?
    What's the difference between THC and THCa?
    The Difference Between THC and THCa? In purely chemical terms, THCa is the precursor, while THC is the actual compound. THC can effectively bind with the CB1 or CB2 receptors in...
  5. What is Delta 8 THC and why is it trending?
    What is Delta 8 THC and why is it trending?
    There’s one minor cannabinoid that’s having a major moment, as of recently. THC Delta-8 THC, the lesser-known THC compound is gaining notoriety. Not only for its legal status bu...
  6. What are trichomes?
    What are trichomes?
    Introduction Trichomes. While you very well may have never heard the word, or seen it printed, we are pretty sure you have witnessed their glory if you have ended up here. They ...
  7. Where Does Weed Grow Wild?
    Where Does Weed Grow Wild?
    The cannabis that is consumed by smokers and vaporizers (not to mention those who partake in edibles) today is mostly created using female plants that have never been pollinated...

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