Consumer Guides

RECENT Consumer Guides
  1. Feminized vs Regular Cannabis Seeds
    Feminized vs Regular Cannabis Seeds
    When you start growing cannabis, you soon realize there are literally thousands of strains out there AND there are also different types of seeds as well. The two most common ter...
  2. How are feminized seeds made?
    How are feminized seeds made?
    Feminized seeds are the Wonder Woman of the cannabis world - strong, powerful, and all-female. Whether you're a commercial grower or a home gardener, feminized seeds offer a num...
  3. Does weed expire - How to spot bad weed
    Does weed expire - How to spot bad weed
    Does weed expire? In short, yes, but it doesn't go bad like milk. It's more like aged wine – sometimes its fine, sometimes it tastes vinegary. But how can you tell if it’s a vin...
  4. How to keep weed fresh and potent for longer
    How to keep weed fresh and potent for longer
    Oh, the horror of opening your stash to find it as dry as the Sahara! The simple fix? Use an airtight mason jar and store them in a cool, dark place. But let’s pop the hood and ...
  5. 10 Easy ways to grind weed without a grinder?
    10 Easy ways to grind weed without a grinder?
    Whether you are a complete newbie or a seasoned veteran when it comes to smoking weed, everyone can agree that there is a certain etiquette with respect to smoking whether it's ...
  6. Why Does Weed Make You Horny?
    Why Does Weed Make You Horny?
    Does smoking a joint, or eating an edible get you fired up? Well, you're not the only one... Ask 100 random people what the effects of smoking weed are, and you'll get a pretty ...
  7. What Are Weed Shakes and How to Stop Them?
    What Are Weed Shakes and How to Stop Them?
    While cannabis consumption is mostly associated with happy, relaxing effects that induce euphoria and can reduce pain, anxiety, and inflammation (among a long list of other bene...

Items 1 to 7 of 34 total

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